Tantric Soul Birth
So where did these three words come from and how did they become my healing modality? Great questions! Glad you asked
So let’s break down each of these three words shall we
TANTRA ~ I wonder what you think when you see and hear the word TANTRA. I know, for me, growing up in the West, Tantra was easily and quickly associated with sex and sensuality and possibly the occasional orgy thrown in there. I had a Kama Sutra book growing up and studied those sexual positions more than I studied in high school I was fascinated by this concept of super soul deeply connected euphoric mind blowing sex! I mean, who wouldn’t be?!?!
Anyways, while I was living on Bali for that sacred and magical year, I had the absolute pleasure and honor to study a bit of Tantra with one of my favorite yoga instructors I met in Canggu. I remember when she was talking about a 5 day silent Tantra yoga retreat on the Gili Islands and how something inside of me instantly knew I had to go on this retreat! I went, not knowing what to expect, but having just sat with Kambo
the day before and leaving the next morning for this retreat, I was raw and open and ready to receive and to learn. One of the first questions this wise instructor asked us, “so what is Tantra to you?” We each have our answer and her sly smile told me what I thought I knew of Tantra was not all there is to know. Fast forward through this 5 day intense mirror and deep dive into my very soul, I realized everything I ‘knew’ about Tantra was not going to cut it. In these five days, not only were we silent, but during the group meditations and group practices, we dove head first into our own shit! We each held up a mirror to ourselves and could not look away! Wow! Sorting through the shit and walls and false masks we put up to really get to our soul, our truest and most authentic self! I was hooked! And got the chance to have another mini weekend Tantra yoga retreat with this wise teacher.
SOUL ~ our very essence of who we really are. That soft, quiet voice that sometimes screams at us when it really needs to get our attention. Our soul – what makes us unique and amazingly special. Your soul leads and guides you and your soul oftentimes needs to be healed. Healed from the bullshit and trauma it’s put up with as you traverse your life. Your soul is that deep part of you who is truly who you really are. For whatever reason, we tend to neglect our beautiful soul or pile/try on all of these personalities that are just not us! Eventually our super shiny and authentic soul gets to break free and shine bright! This happens when you finally get into alignment with who you really are.
BIRTH ~ Ok, this I am super passionate about and I can not WAIT to become a Doula! A birth Doula is what my soul’s calling is, as well as a Healer. Until I become a Birth Doula, I am a SOUL DOULA. Right beside you, championing you along as we journey through your soul’s healing to birth forth your truest, most authentic self; no longer hiding your magic and who you really are – who you came here to be before the world piled on their ridiculous social constructs!
So – Tantric Soul Birth came through after one of 6 of my Ayahuasca ceremonies. I was in a place where I was this.close to really bringing my purpose to light, but I didn’t know exactly what to call it or how to go about it. So during my Ayahuasca journey, these three words came through LOUD and CLEAR TANTRIC SOUL BIRTH
and so, A Soul Doula was born and thus my life work, my healing modality, that I now present to you
This is my heart, my soul and my vulnerability. Tantric Soul Birth came through because I courageously took steps and used various spiritual tools to facilitate my soul’s healing! This was no cake walk and I faced myself on many occasions as I gently healed my soul…and still am! I am here to be of service to those souls whom are called to heal and to work with me
I can promise you compassion and I can promise you healing. What I can not promise is that this will be easy, nor that it will be comfortable! Healing your very soul is CONFRONTING work! And it is that, work! The soul work never stops and I am here to facilitate and hold space for you to heal yourself
Thank you for reading this as it decided to pour from my soul at this very moment
and please reach out to me if you feel called or any of this resonates with you
let’s go on this journey together, to heal your beautiful soul.